Building your ambitions

Anton Bouw & Betontechniek: At the start of each concrete construction.

Anton Bouw & Betontechniek

Our expertise

“ Anton Bouw Betontechniek is the specialist in non-series concrete work. ’

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Het gaat bij ons altijd om maatwerk. De meeste onderdelen maken we maar één keer. Onze oorsprong ligt in de infra: spoorprojecten en treinstations. We zijn hoog gecertificeerd op de Safety Culture Ladder en de CO2-Prestatieladder en inmiddels aanbestedingspartner voor verschillende bedrijven in de utiliteitsbouw, civiele bouw en industrie.


Recent projects

Betonvloer Leeuwenverblijf Artis

Een mooi project in ARTIS: Anton Bouw en Betontechniek is verantwoordelijk voor het betonwerk van het nieuwe leeuwenverblijf in Artis. Goed nieuws voor de leeuwen, want dit nieuwe verblijf is in oppervlakte ruim tien keer zo groot als het huidige verblijf.
Renovatie kade en Wilhelminabrug
Betoncasco voor dit bijzondere aandenken
Acht bruggen vervangen Schagen
Betonvloer Leeuwenverblijf Artis
Steiger voor granietimporteur Aziëhaven Amsterdam
Veiligheidsmaatregelen station Alkmaar

A workplace with room for growth and ambitions

we are part of Anton Group: a nice down-to-earth North-Holland construction company from Obdam. We stand for hard work, conviviality, innovation and team spirit. The Anton Group currently consists of some 300 colleagues, all of whom are (or are becoming) specialists in their field. Together, we aim to build beautiful projects we can be proud of.

Safety first

Safety comes first and is of paramount importance. At the end of every working day, our goal is to return home safe and sound. This is something we all strive for, isn’t it? Before we start the construction process together, we go through a thorough startwork instruction. Because reality sometimes looks different, it is very important that we always keep looking and thinking together. At the Anton Group, we apply the VAST principle, which stands for ‘Safety Always Testing Together’. Will you make a difference in this?


The Anton Group is a construction company building Europe’s future with 15 companies now. All of them provide innovative solutions for steel and concrete construction, industry, civil engineering and on and around railways and airports. Our guiding principle is to offer the highest quality, consistently and at every level. A promise we can keep through entrepreneurship, flexibility, innovative strength and working with true professionals.