
Laying “color floors” is something of the last 15 years. Loos has always been a forerunner in this and has had its own concrete mix developed to achieve the best results. Our references are several houses on IJburg Amsterdam, the Harbourclub on the IJ and the Art’otel in Amsterdam.

” We had a proprietary concrete mix developed for best results. ”

Work activities

When performing work within the non-residential construction sector, we perform the following activities, among others:

  • construction site equipment
  • pouring and monolithic finishing of concrete floors
  • remove cast asphalt floors and then post-grout the exposed TT slab girder
  • seams of the plate girders fitted with clamping joints and an MMA plastic seal
  • sealing the beam structures with roofing membrane
  • apply dilatation profiles
  • realize floor reinforcement and then apply a compression layer that is finished monolithically


De Kampanje in Den Helder

In Den Helder heeft een ensemble van culturele gebouwen onder de naam De Kampanje zijn deuren geopend. In een oude industriële hal heeft Van Dongen–Koschuch Architects hier een theater ontworpen met volledig glazen wanden.
Monolithisch, elektrisch én duurzaam
Camping Geversduin in Castricum
De Kampanje in Den Helder