Replace polycarbonate plates railway station Duivendrecht

Anton Rail & Infra B.V. has ended the final stage of project “ Replace polycarbonate plates Station Duivendrecht`. For our client ProRail, we have placed the last 7 of the 24 lights on Station Duivendrecht with new polycarbonate plates. The assembly has already taken place, the remaining points are rounded off during a night shift service. The platforms at Station Duivendrecht have become sufficiently light-transmitting after the finishing touches, with diffused daylight.

We can look back on a project with a ` luminous` result. Partly due to thorough work preparation, rigorous planning, expert implementation and structural consultation with our client ProRail, we have come together with our professional subcontractors to achieve the desired result.

For more information about this project, please contact Giel Beers.