Safety always testing together (VAST)

Safety comes first and is of paramount importance. At the end of every working day, our goal is to return home safe and sound. This is something we all strive for, right?

Before we start the construction process together, we go through a thorough startwork instruction. Because reality sometimes looks different, it is very important that we always keep looking and thinking together. At Anton Groep, we use the VAST principle, which stands for “Veiligheid Altijd Samen Toetsen”. Do you make the difference?

What can you do?

VAST stands for ‘Safety Always Test Together.’ Testing a workplace already happens every day through the LMRA. However, LMRA is mainly about checking your own workplace, and we also take responsibility for the safety of others and for society as a whole. We pay attention to colleagues, subcontractors and suppliers and dare to call each other to account if we are not working safely enough. Safety is in our corporate DNA. We are proud of that! With VAST, we encourage optimum use of everyone’s knowledge.

  • the workplace becomes a safer environment
  • you learn about new fields together
  • you can take the knowledge gained back to your next workplace

By then sharing this information through the QR code or the website, the Anton Group will be able to include this in its start-up work instructions in the future, thus ensuring one person’s safety even better.

Safe or unsafe?

Not only by our colleagues, but also subcontractors, clients and suppliers can make a safety notification. This can be done by scanning the QR code we distribute throughout our workplace. We consider it very important to encourage safe working during the tender phase, work preparation and execution. This allows us to review HS before and during execution. Do you have any tips? We would love to hear them!


The world around us is changing rapidly. New working methods, new materials and equipment alternate at a rapid pace. If you are looking for extra support in testing safety, you can – besides consulting the foreman – always access the QR code or the website to provide you with the right information in the form of toolboxes on various topics, among other things. This information is continuously updated, partly due to your safety report based on the VAST methodology. Here is a sneak preview of the first toolboxes.

Do you have an improvement suggestion? Let us know!

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