A challenge. An alley of 250 meters long, about 1.3 meters wide with on one side the gardens of residents and on the other side over the entire length garage boxes. The subsoil is so contaminated that it requires remediation with groundwater level at -0.5 meters below ground level. In the alley at a depth of 1 meter below ground level a main concrete sewer that has been past its practical life for several years. This causes dangerous situations with sinkholes in the sidewalk more and more often. The municipality of Edam Volendam asked us to join them in drawing up a plan on how the work could be tackled safely and expeditiously whereby sewers and house connections would be replaced. A great job for us, but a logistical nightmare. With custom-made fittings, suction trucks and telescopic cranes, we managed to fix the alley safely, without much inconvenience and relatively quickly.