remove badger sett

The badgers have been in the news before, this time a badger sett near the Voerendaal train station was discovered by ProRail along with a rail sag. Anton Rail and Infra was asked to draw up the plans and carry out the work to remove this sett in consultation with the ecologists and RVO and restore the track. Together with Anton Civiel & Infra, they took on this job. In a very short time, a project team was formed and the preparatory work started. The implementation team was assembled and equipment charged. In the end, Anton Civiel & Infra was responsible for discouraging the badgers in the area, excavating the ballast bed and railroad embankment under the supervision of ecologists, disposing of the released materials, supplying and rebuilding the railroad embankment and applying ballast bed. To replace the habitat, an artificial lodge was built by Anton Civiel & Infra in which we hope the badger family will make a new warm home.