CO2 Prestatieladder
We hold the CO2 Performance Ladder level 5, the highest rating in this certification category. This means that we make maximum efforts to reduce CO2 emissions to a minimum.

The NEN-EN-ISO 9001 certification shows that the Anton Groep meets all quality management requirements. Not only have we put our business processes and quality requirements on paper, the policy is also known to all our employees. This is how we strive for continuous improvement on the shop floor and high customer satisfaction.

VCA Petrochemie (SCC)
SCC stands for Safety, Health and Environmental Checklist Contractors. It creates a higher level of safety in the workplace. It ensures that both employers and employees are aware of the dangers around them. All our companies are VCA-P certified and focus on high-risk work in the petrochemical industry. This is where even more stringent safety requirements apply.

Safety Culture Ladder
The Safety Culture Ladder (‘formerly veiligheidsladder’) promotes safety awareness and consciously safe and healthy actions. This measuring instrument aims to reduce the number of unsafe and unhealthy situations, resulting in fewer incidents (absenteeism, damage). We are certified SCL Original step 5, the highest level an organisation can achieve within the Safety Culture Ladder.

SBB accreditation
We are a learning company recognised by SBB. This means that we offer an inspiring and instructive workplace for students who want to gain practical experience in their field. As a recognised learning company, we contribute to the development of future professionals and offer high-quality guidance. Are you a student looking for an internship or apprenticeship? Contact us and discover the possibilities!

Bewuste Bouwers (Conscious Constructors)
We have been a member of The Conscious Constructors since 2023. The Conscious Constructors code of conduct focuses on the construction site and on the surroundings of the construction site. A busy environment, empowered neighbours, high expectations, fragile nature and more compact work sites demand more and more from construction and civil engineering companies during execution. The Code of Conduct offers the entire team, from carpenter to project manager, concrete tools on how to work consciously with consideration for:
- the environment where people live, work and recreate
- the environment when carrying out the work
- the fellow employees: proper care for the construction site employees during project implementation